May 31, 2005

A little too ironic, doncha think?

You can't make this stuff up:

"There's an alternative to the destruction of life," he said. "But the stem cell issue is really one of federal funding, that's the issue before us, and that is whether or not we use taxpayers' money to destroy life. ... I don't believe we should." -Bush at a Rose Garden press conference today

Oh wait, you mean this life?

5 day old embryo

Gotcha, then it's okay to destroy this life.

Iraqi children

No wonder Rove has to ball gag Bush. He indicts himself and his war every time he opens that pie hole of his.


Anonymous said...

Spot on! The Bush double standards hit again...never mind that the majority of these sacred embryos end up in the trash, when they could have served the more noble cause of ending human suffering!

Anonymous said...

He her_B what is up with this pheromones cologne stuff? Has anyone tried it?

Anonymous said...

Hi He her_B
Is this stuff really worth it? pheromones cologne

Anonymous said...

He her_B what is up with this pheromones stuff? Has anyone tried it?

Anonymous said...

He her_B what is up with this pheromones to attract woman stuff? Has anyone tried it?

Anonymous said...

Hey He her_B I was researching pheromones perfume. This seems like a crazy idea. Can it really work?