February 03, 2005

Let's roll

Thought I'd start off with a quote.

"I will listen to anyone who has a good idea to offer."
Shrub on Social Security

Oh really? Then why not
-cut benefits modestly (as opposed to the guaranteed 30-50% benefit cuts guaranteed by Bush's plan, regardless of if you decide to risk your ass in the stock market) by modifying the formula used to calculate cost-of-living increases
-raise the cap on the amount of income subject to the payroll tax (from $90,000 to $200,000)
-increase the age of retirement slightly
-reform the federal estate tax to exempt those who make less than $3.5 million ($7 million per couple), and devote the tax entirely to SS--99.7% of Americans would be exempt, and almost half the projected shortfall would be closed

But no, you're right, spending trillions to privatize a program that is currently seeing a surplus makes more sense, my mistake.

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